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Intuitive Reiki Energy Healing

Reiki is a holistic wellness approach that treats the whole person: mind, body, and spirit. 

Incorporate Reiki into your self-care practice for releasing and bringing awareness to thoughts, emotions, and beliefs that keep you stuck in limiting belief systems.

Image by Tim Mossholder

Energy healing is a great way to help you align and have clarity through this new phase of your life.  However, going through an awakening alone can feel confusing and lonely at first

Having a safe person to share your journey with can help you ground and find your next steps. 


​This simple, safe and natural healing modality can assist with releasing and bringing awareness to thoughts, emotions, and beliefs that keep you stuck in limiting belief systems of unworthiness, fear, and disconnection from self.  Together we tap into your intuition, gaining a sense of clarity, and discovering your true purpose.


Reiki is used to:


  • help balance your chakras

  • clear emotional and mental blocks

  • detach cords connecting you to people/places/situations that are not in alignment with your highest self

  • share any intuitive messages to empower you to take steps to maintain a sense of balance in your life

Intuitive Reiki Energy Healing

Reiki is a holistic wellness approach that treats the whole person: mind, body, and spirit. 

Incorporate Reiki into your self-care practice for releasing and bringing awareness to thoughts, emotions, and beliefs that keep you stuck in limiting belief systems.

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